
目前顯示的是 8月, 2015的文章

6 Minute English - Evolution before Darwin

Today we're talking about evolution. Not a man most people think of when talking about evolution. It's cause XXX Darwin, he was a bite genius, wasn't he. He was. Evolution means the way living things change and develop for millions of years.  And genius has great and unusual skill and ability in particular subject or era. Well, XXX Darwin was a clever man but I happen to know another man  actually came up with the same idea but many years before he did. So how you know about that clever clogs, someone think he knows everything. What was his name? His name was Patrick Mathew. OK. Well we're going to learn more about among today's program. But first can you answer this Neil? What was Patrick XXXX's job? Was he.. a) A politician b) A Church Minister c) A hote culturalist Well, I don't know so I'll go for professional sounds most interesting a hote culturalist. So I'll choose that one. And that person who studies plant. OK. We'll find

6 Minute English - Why do gibbons sing duets

Hi there, Neil. Have you ever had a closing count of monkey or an ape? I'm sitting next to you, Rob. Very funny. No, merely of the facts of the all humans are descended from apes. An ape, monkeys, belong to a group of animal called primates. The differences is monkey has tail and apes don't. Well, I don't know that. On the serious note, I had a close shave with monkey once in Balley. A close shave is where you only just mange to avoid a danger situation. So Neil, what happened? I was walking on the mountain on my own. And suddenly a bunch of monkeys jump out of no where, blocking my path. Oh goodness. OK so what do you do? After standing there for ages, the monkeys scratch. I turn round and walk back as I can. If you scratch someone it means make a loud, high and unpleasant sound. So the monkey one that  face of them. Absolutely  yes they did. And a face off by the way means an argument or fight. Well, today's show is about gibbons and the different

6 Minute English - Chins

Now hardly a day goes by without hearing someone talking about some aspects about bodies. Do you know what I mean, Neil? Yes, Rob. Almost every part about anatomies seen to be subject and listen debate. It could be atomic since we eat and it could be our posture and how we stand. It could be our skin and how should we look after it. Oh yes, I know. It get very tedious, that means boring. So I don't really take any notices as you can see. But this one part of our body you don't hear much about and that's the chin. The chin? You mean the small bit of bone under the mouth. That's the most interesting part, isn't it, Rob. I means it doesn't do anything, does it. I must meat I've never even thought about it. What is it for anyway. More. Some people think it is very useful for folding up chip and towels. You know you hold one end with your chin like that way. Come on Rob. Not being serious. Of course not. But seriously the more you think about it, th

6 Minute English - Lifts

I'd like to start but asking how do you get up here to the studio at 6th floor this morning? Well by lift of course. Thought so. That's what I'm going to talk about in this programee, lifts or elevators as American call them. Lifts, that's not very exciting, isn't it. What is that to say about lifts, Rob. I mean it take you up and down and that's it really. Well, you all surprise me Neil. But first let's see if you can answer this question. Which country has the most lifts? Is it: a) the USA也滿熱門的阿 b) Italy, or c) China Well, it seems obvious to me because of the massive expansion and construction industry, I am going to say China. OK. Well, we'll find out if you are right or wrong later on. But now, let's elevate or race knowledge about lifts. These invention has had quite effects on which floor people choose to lift on. Yes Well. I suppose before the days of lifts, rich people live on the ground floor and poor people live on the top

6 Minute English - Compulsory voting

Today we're talking about voting. Now I'm sure something you've done Neil. Of course. And earlier this year we had general election in the UK when I voted. I feel guilty if I didn't exercise my right to vote. Now a right in this case means somebody's legal claim to vote. In the general election, we vote for government that runs the whole country. But we  also have local an European election too sometimes. Yes. But voting in the UK is opinional. So you don't have to do it. Where I seen in some countries' voting is compulsory. And compulsory means something you have to do it. So if you are in Australia where the government pass the law made voting compulsory, you would have to pay a fine of 20 dollars for not voting. That's because in Australia government believes voting is a duty and not just a right. And duty means something you have a responsibility to do. And if you are in a duty Rob, ask me today's quizz question. Yes sir, OK. So c