6 Minute English - Evolution before Darwin

Today we're talking about evolution. Not a man most people think of when talking about evolution. It's cause XXX Darwin, he was a bite genius, wasn't he.

He was. Evolution means the way living things change and develop for millions of years.  And genius has great and unusual skill and ability in particular subject or era. Well, XXX Darwin was a clever man but I happen to know another man  actually came up with the same idea but many years before he did.

So how you know about that clever clogs, someone think he knows everything. What was his name?

His name was Patrick Mathew.

OK. Well we're going to learn more about among today's program. But first can you answer this Neil? What was Patrick XXXX's job? Was he..
a) A politician
b) A Church Minister
c) A hote culturalist

Well, I don't know so I'll go for professional sounds most interesting a hote culturalist. So I'll choose that one. And that person who studies plant.

OK. We'll find out later whether you're right or wrong. But let's listen to Dr.XXXX talking about Patrick Mathew. Can you hear the word he uses to being change making.

He a brief outline of this idea of species being able to change other species to natural selection. This great transform the idea of united as whole and single tree of life. And he did that 20 years before Darwin and XXXX did so and they recognized did so but other think sort of simplify the story and to concentrate just Darwin...

So, Mathew believed that evolution happen by natural selection and natural selection describes the way that animal adapted today's environment. Because some individual survive and reproduce and others don't.

And adapt means the way of our bodies and behaviors change to suit new conditions.

And what does Dr.XXX mean by a single tree of line.

Well, the basic idea behind evolution is that all different species and types of living thing have evolved  from the same simple life form. Just like a family tree describes how the members of your family are related to each other. So the tree of life describes how old living things are related.

So if these was a trans-formative or change-making idea, why don't more of us know about Patrick Mathew?

Well, a good question Neil. We hurdle a clip but Darwin acknowledged or accepted Mathew's  claim to the idea but it seems to be done to ask the general public wanting the simplify things.

I like to keep things simple, Rob.

You don't have to tell me that, Neil. But let's hear more from Mathew might have been past over or ignored by son. He is Dr.XXXX senior tutor at College Cambridge. She tells why Darwin was so successful and listen out for the word she uses to mean close friends and supporters.

He brought his allies on board and although he was publishing from strong hold down in Kent. He had the most famous, most prominent, member of scientific society. And Victoria XXX who was pushing on his behalf. Having a scientific theory being accepted is not just the matter of what the series is right,

The word she uses was allies, what are they Neil?

Allies are people who help or support something. Having someone on board also means have someone support for a idea or project. And Darwin's allies won't just made from down the pub, were they.

No, they won't. They are famous, prominent scientists. Prominent means important or respective.

Oh yes. You can say they are eminent radio presenter, Rob.

I could not Neil. But ...

OK OK. Moving on.

These eminent scientists were pushing on Darwin's behalf. In other words, they were taking strong action to promote his theory of evolution.

And it is possible that Patrick Mathew didn't enjoy the same level of support.

That could be true. So do you remember the quiz question from the beginning of the show, Rob?

Indeed I do. I asked what was Patrick Mathew's job?


Hello, Neil! Today we're talking about evolution. 
Not Now the man most people think of when talking about evolution 
It's cause XXX is of course Charles Darwin. He was a 
bite bitof genius, wasn't he?

He was. Evolution means the way living things change and develop 
for over millions of years. And 
genius has great and unusual skills 
and or abilities in 
particular subject or area. Well 
XXX Charles Darwin was a clever man but I happen to know 
that another man actually came up with the same idea, but many years before he did! So how 
do you know
about that, that then, clever clogs 
– that's someone 
think he knows who thinks they know everything? What was his name? 
Well, his name was Patrick Matthew.

OK, well we're going to learn more about 
among him on today's programme. But first can you answer this, Neil? What was Patrick Matthew's job? Was he 
... … a) a politician? b) 
Achurch minister? 
Or c) 
hote culturalist horticulturalist?

Well, I don't know so I'll go for 
the most profession 
that sounds most interesting - a 
hote culturalist, horticulturalist, so I'll choose that one! 
And That That’s person who studies plants. OK. We'll find out later whether you're right or wrong. But let's listen 
to Dr.XXXX now to Dr Mike Weale talking about Patrick Matthew. Can you hear the word he uses to 
being changemaking mean 'changemaking'?... He
published a brief outline of 
this the idea of species being able to change 
other species to into other species through natural selection 
this great – this great, transformative 
the idea of idea that unites 
aswhole and us all in single tree of life. And he did that 
20 27 years before Darwin and 
XXXX Alfred Russel Wallace did so. And they recognized 
that he did so but other 
think sort of simplify people sincethen have simplified the story and 
tended to concentrate just 
on Darwin.

So, Matthew believed that evolution happened by natural selection. And natural selection describes the way that 
plants and animals adapt 
today's to their environment, because some individuals survive and reproduce, and others don't. And adapt means the way 
of our bodies 
and or our behaviour change to suit new conditions. And what does 
Dr.XXX Mike mean by 
‘a single tree of 
line. life’? Well, the basic idea behind evolution is that all 
the different species 
and – or types of living thing 
– have evolved from the same simple life form. Just like a family tree describes how the members of your family are related to each other, so the 'tree of life' describes how 
old all living things are related.

So if 
these this was a transformative 
– or change-making 
– idea, why don't more of us know about Patrick Matthew? 
good question, Neil. We 
hurdle heard in the clip 
but that Darwin acknowledged 
-– or accepted - Matthew's claim to the idea. But it seems to be 
done to ask down to us – the general public 
– wanting 
the to simplify things. Well, 
I like to keep things simple, Rob. You don't have to tell me that, Neil. But let's hear more 
from on why Matthew might have been passed over 
– or ignored 
– by 
son. He is Dr.XXXX some. Here’s Dr Patricia Fara, senior tutor at 
Clare College Cambridge. She tells 
us why Darwin was so 
successful and successful. And listen out for the word she uses to mean close friends and supporters. He brought his allies on 
board and board. And although he was publishing from 
strong hold his stronghold down in Kent he had the most famous, most prominent, 
eminent members of 
the scientific society 
and Victoria XXX in Victorian times who were pushing on his behalf. Having a scientific theory being accepted is not just 
the matter of 
what the series is whether the theory’s right.

The word she used was allies. What are they Neil? Allies are people who help or support 
us in something - having someone on board also means 
to have someone's support for 
an idea or project. And Darwin's allies 
won't weren't just 
made mates from down the pub, were they? No, they 
won't. weren't! They were famous, prominent 
and eminent scientists. Prominent means important and 
respective.And well-known and eminent means important and respected. Ah yes! So you 
can could say 
they are that I’m an eminent radio presenter, Rob? 
Well, I could 
not Neil, 
but... OK, OK, Moving but… OK,OK, OK moving on! These eminent scientists were pushing on Darwin's behalf. In other words, they were taking strong action to promote his theory of evolution.

And it's possible that Patrick Matthew did not enjoy the same level of support. That could be true. So do you remember the quiz question from the beginning of the show, Rob? Indeed I do! I asked: 
whatWhat was 
Patrick Matthew's job?



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