6 Minute English - Compulsory voting

Today we're talking about voting. Now I'm sure something you've done Neil.

Of course. And earlier this year we had general election in the UK when I voted. I feel guilty if I didn't exercise my right to vote. Now a right in this case means somebody's legal claim to vote.

In the general election, we vote for government that runs the whole country. But we  also have local an European election too sometimes.

Yes. But voting in the UK is opinional. So you don't have to do it. Where I seen in some countries' voting is compulsory. And compulsory means something you have to do it.

So if you are in Australia where the government pass the law made voting compulsory, you would have to pay a fine of 20 dollars for not voting.

That's because in Australia government believes voting is a duty and not just a right.

And duty means something you have a responsibility to do.

And if you are in a duty Rob, ask me today's quizz question.

Yes sir, OK. So can you tell me what is the consistence? Is it
a) The people who live in and vote in particular area
b) The politicians who make and change the law of the coutnry.
c)  A town or district which has its government

Well, I am no expert in politics but I am going to go for c) that's a town or district that has its own government.

OK, well. We'll find out later on in the show if you are right or wrong. Now it's time to hear what is truly young person has to say about a compulsory voting.

All right, unlike me, you mean. Well he is Michael XXX who is a student at XXXX university and therefore much younger than me.

A lot of people speak to I don't care or I don't really know what's going on. This way, another reason why I am quite course about this because it could sort of in general sort of XXX to tosse politicians, where you know a sort thing of you know, being conscript for national service, you know. You just get in and done with.

So Michael says he is about the idea of introducing compulsory voting. So what's that Neil?

He thinks forcing young people to vote will engender  or give rise to a slap dash attitude. What does slap dash mean, Rob?

It's a good word, isn't it. It means doing something quickly and carelessly.

Oh you.

Now Michael compares compulsory voting to national service. National service is compulsory government service usually means military service and it also known conscription.
In the a general election we vote for a government that runs the whole country, but we also have local and European election elections too sometimes.
So when there is  something you haven’t chose to do or which you actually don't want to do is a case of getting in done with.

And that means finishing something difficult or unpleasant task as quickly as possible.

Young people might just pick up political party at their hat which means to choose randomly, rather than making an informal choice.

So some people think that politicians need to improve political education. Now let's listen to Broadcast at XXX Edward, talking about this.

If you said the politician is right, frequent 3 million first time voters are definitely got voted. And they will have to speak of them. And they will have to make a effort to go to where they are. And I think that change will.

So compulsory voting would mean a responsibility for the politician too.

That's right. They need to  engage and educate young people otherwise reluctant voter made deliberately spoiled or waste their vote.

The government also include a none of the above option on the baller paper.

Can you explain more about that Rob?

Well it means you took this option, you don't want to vote for any of these listed political party.

An interesting idea. Well my option for now is get the answer to the quiz question.
Today we're talking about voting. Now I'm sure it's something you've done Neil?

Of course – and earlier this year we had general election in the UK when where I voted. And I'd feel guilty if I didn't exercise my right to vote. Now a right in this case means somebody's legal claim to vote.

In the general election we vote for government that runs the whole country, but we also have local and European election elections too sometimes.

Yes but voting in the UK is optional – so you don't have to do it, where seen whereas in some countries voting is compulsory - and compulsory means something you have to do it. that you have to do.

So if you are were in Australia, where the government passed the law that made voting compulsory, you would have had to pay a fine of $20 for not voting.

And that's because in the Australian government believes that voting is a duty and not just a right. And duty Duty means something you have a responsibility to do. And if you are in duty Rob, it’s your duty Rob to ask me today's today’squiz question!

Yes, sir! So can you tell me, what is the consistence? constituency? Is it ... … a) the people who live in and vote in particular area? b) the politicians who make and change the law laws of the country? or c) a town or district whichthat has its own government?

Well, am Well I'm no expert in politics... on politics… but I’m going to go for c) that’s a town or district that has its own government. OK. Well, we'll find out later on in the show if whether you're right or wrong. Now it's time to hear what is atruly young person has to say about compulsory voting.

All Oh right, unlike me you mean? Well, he is here’s Michael XXX Yip, who is a student at XXXX Warwick University and therefore much younger than me. A lot of the people that speak to just say 'I don't care' or 'I don't really know what's going on'. on' and in this way, another reason why I'm quite course cautious about this is because it could sort of in general sort of XXX to tosse politicians, engender this sort of slapdash attitude towards politics where you know asort thing of it’s sort of seen as, you know, being conscripted for national service ... you know you just … you just want to get in it over and done with.

So Michael says he is cautious about the idea of introducing compulsory voting. So why is that, Neil? He thinks forcing young people to vote will engender – or give rise to slap dash – slapdash attitude. What Now what does slap dashslapdash mean, Rob? It's a good word, isn't it? It means doing something quickly and carelessly.

Oh you. Now you’ve never do that, would you? Now, Michael compares compulsory voting to national service. National service is compulsory government service that usually means military service and is also known as conscription. Inthe general election we vote for government that runs the whole country, but we also have local and European election elections too sometimes. So when there is it’s something you haven’t chose to do chosen to do, or which youactually actively don't want to do is – it's a case of getting in it over and done with. And that means finishing something difficult or unpleasant task as quickly as possible.

Young people might just pick up political party at their out of them. And hat – which means to choose randomly – rather than making an informal informed choice. So some people think that politicians need to improve political education. Now let's listen to broadcast at XXX Edward, broadcaster and writer Rick Edwards talking about this. If you said to politicians, ‘Right, 3.3 million first-time voters are definitely got voted. And going to vote’, then they will have to speak to them and they will have to make an effort to go to where they are and I think that that’s the politician is right, frequent change will. it would create.

So compulsory voting would mean a responsibility for the politicians too. That's right. They need to engage and educate young people. Otherwise reluctant voters made may deliberately spoiled spoil – or waste – their votes. The government could also include a none ‘none of the above above’ option on the baller ballot paper.

Can you explain bit more about that Rob? Well, it means you took tick this option you don't if you don’t want to vote for any of these the listed political party. parties. An interesting idea. Well my option for now is to get the answer to the quiz question.



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