6 Minute English - The wonder of blood

In this programme, we're going to be talking about blood.

Yes, did I ever tell you Rob, I really hate the sight of blood and it even be known to faint to lose consciousness at the sight of needle.

Dear, come on Finn. I think you have a lot to learn.


You won't be here without it, you know. It's a fantastic topic also of the discoveries are being made these days which could change medical science forever.

You're right of course. Blood was even thought to related to human character. People were hot blood that mean quick to anger or called blood which mean lacking in patient.

There were all the myth about the vampires when young blood were thought to revaprise old people. And that was dreadful story that XXX contest had hundreds of  young women killed so she could bath in the blood and stay youthful looking.

Right, OK. The Rome time, if a young gladiator died in battle, people used to drink his blood because they thought it will give healthy.

For 3000 years, people are looking cut or given leeches to let out the blood because they thought that will make people better. Incredibly, it carried out to 19 century. But actually make people worse even kill them.

Right. OK. So I won't be doing that today.

OK. Instead how about ask you a question all about blood Finn?

Gonna in.

If you lay down all the blood vessels in the adult body,  end-to-end, how long will they be?

Would they be
a) 3000 miles.
b) 100000 miles.
c) 200000 miles lone.

Well, let's say 100000 miles. That's b.

OK. Well, we'll see if you get the right answer at the end of the programme. OK let's talk more about blood now. We head about blood history. But Finn do you know today XXXX are running businesses in which people paid to have their blood extracted and then injected into their face.

Yes, I had heard about this. It thought to be rejuvenated. That means to give new life to their skin. XXXX has done just that to his face in the experiment. He is a doctor presented with BBC. Let's listen to him talking about it. He uses an expression means go faster. Can you tell me what it is.

Sometimes called had vampire XXXX, PRP, XXXXX, claim to take healing and reverse the science of aging. First, my blood was treated to make it concentrated solution on plate in plasma. Next, this is injected directly into my face.

Woo, ouch. And the word he uses was XXXXX. That means to make faster.

And he said they treated his blood. This means changed or transformed.

Well, today of course, control blood transfusion is completely normal medical practice it says counts this life. And blood donors people who give their blood are important part of the healthy care.

Yes Finn. But it also amazing things the blood can do. If we are running at the altitude that's high up, the XXXX because there is not enough oxygen. The blood then stop  creating new red cells and posing them into system. That's why athletics often train in the mountains.

Altitude training, isn't it. And apparently the different type of  XXX can have immediate effect on your blood or rather the element of blood called plasma. So if you eat  XXX high breakfast. for example, very soon after that, you can see the fat of the blood.

Nice. Ideas about how blood moves around your body have changed lot of years too. The Rome thought blood flow one way and came out our feet and hands. And that's burn to way. But William XXX at 17 century found the blood circulated via vans and arteries. This attributes  our body when blood is carried around.

Let's not forget clogging. That's when the blood hardens. If our blood didn't clog when we cut ourselves, we'll being dead within minutes. Is it really fastening, isn't it. And we just begin to understand stem cells, these are also in the blood and they are used to repair organs in the body.

Modern science is  really helping us to understand blood properly first time and showing us the way forward. Now Rob before my blood boiled, could you let me know the question to the quiz question please.

Yes, so I asked you if you lay down all the blood vessels in the adult body and how long will they be?



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