6 Minute English - Scottish independence

Today we're talking about national independence. That's when one nation is free from control by another country. Now Neil, can you think of any country becoming independent.

Well, Scotland is talking about at this moment.

Yes, it is. It's a big political issue which we will talk more about soon. And of course, we will be looking some words related to independence. But let start with a question. How well do you know about your history. The decoration of independence was made by 30 American colonies. They were fighting for freedom from the British Empire. But do you know what year that decoration or announcement was made. Was it:
a) 1776
b) 1786
c) 1796

I'm pretty sure it's a) 1776.

You sound quite confident. Not yet. But I will let you know the answer later on. Let's talk more about independence. We often heard about group of people campaigning or fighting for the independence from the country rules them.

Yes. Like the XXX in Spain, or the XXX in Iraq. These is when certain group of want their own homeland preserved that people live. Their culture or believes.

And sometimes a whole nation wants to break away from the country that rules it. Because it feels it will better for its people. And that's what happening in Scotland right now. Wasn't it, Neil.

Well not quite. Not everyone in Scotland wants to break away from United Kingdom. It's a plan suggested by the ruling political party in Scotland. the Scottish National Party. But they are asking people to vote on the decision.

And this vote on a single issue or referendum is happening in September. Politicians who want Scotland to be separated from the UK are trying to persuade the public to vote in favor of independence. Other politicians are trying to persuade people to vote no.

Independence which means Scotland will be able to control things like its tax system, its immigration policy and people would have a Scottish passport.

Well, let's hear from XXXXX the leader of Scottish National Party, talking when he first announced there will be referendum. What word does he use to describe how he want to debate or discussion on independence to be.

Divergence views are the very essence of democracy, the best to be as part what nexus Scottish. The exchange must be passionate  how well in Scotland. A contribution be based the fact that logic.

XXXX said divergent views are the very essence of democracy.  So all different views are very important and that's what makes the democracy. And he encourages debate about independence.

Yes. And he said the debate should be raw busted. So strong, firm and determining.

And should be passionate. Expressing powerful emotions.

But most importantly, the debate should be based on the real information, fact, not missing information. Or what he calls smears, in other words, lies.

Well. Scottish people will go to the XXX box in the few months time to vote. And if they vote yes for independence, we Rob might have to show out passport if we across the border from England to Scotland.

Imagine that. The Scottish people might lose the BBC, the British Broadcasting Cooperation,  and get their smaller Scottish Broadcasting Cooperation.

Now of course. There is always being a let's say friendly rivalry between the two countries. And we are used to our nation competing independently in football and rugby tournaments.

Of course being a English man, I know who is the best.

Of course.

But seriously, the idea of independence Scotland isn't that strange. The active union which brought Scotland together with England and Wales, only came in to being in 1707. Before that. Scotland was independent.

And only last century, Ireland independence from Britain.

And in 1947, India succeeded in becoming independence from British rule. A day, that's now commemorated or remembered as a national holiday.

But well some countries aim to have self rule, in other words, independence rule. Others want to shaving  for each of usually unique country. For example, the member states in European Union work together in trait  and some share the same currency the Euro. Well, that brings us back to your question Rob. When some of American states declared independence from British rule?



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