6 Minute English - Food banks

In this programme, we're going to talk about food banks in the UK.

Yes. Food banks. But what exactly are they?

Well, you can find them all of the countries nowadays. They are part of them system where people who are struggling financially  at given free foods to cook or eat which other people donated or given for free.

We mean  people in modern day Britain are so hard up, that means they got so little money. They can't afford to buy their own food. It doesn't seem extraordinary, isn't it.

Yes. It does. Yes, today's question is about the people who use  food bank. So Finn, do you know how many British people are estimated to have use them? Is it:
a) 15000
b) 240000
c) 500000

I'll say 240000, Rob.

Well, we'll see if you are right at the end of the programme. Let's talk now about why food banks have opened up in the UK.

Well, I supposed one place to start is the financial crisis in 2008 which made a lot of people redundant. That means they are asked to leave their jobs by their companies. So they became unemployed.

Then they will be the cups to the WHO  means in 2013 which added the problem.

Rising food crisis than self in other reason. And heating belt and winter can be expensive people falling to death. You know. Lots of things.

And remember it is not just the employment, Finn. But underling employment too. There are some people on what is called 0 hours contract and doing part-time work. And they don't earn enough money to buy some of the essential things in life.

So there are really lot of different factors, aren't they.

Well, let's listen to XXXXX a chief explains how food  banks knocking in worlds. She uses a expression that means unlimited access.

People do not go to food banks because there is no open door or open XXX. It is a case they go to it because they need it. And also without food banks, we're unindependent one and we're limited to start. So everybody come through our door has no XXX weather.

She said opened door. This means unlimited access.

And she said she had limited stock. This means a shortage of food. There is not enough food for everybody.

But Rob, surly these food banks system is opened to abuse as well. What to stop everyone just turning up to asking for food.

Well, there are chesing places. And this is a system of XXXX. If a adapter or social work thinks someone needs to use food banks even for a short time. Thanks gives the voucher then they take the voucher  along the food banks and give a hand deal for three days.

Right, I see. I heard everything in  food bank is donated. That means giving for fee and churches and individual donors are the people who provide most of it.

Well, apparently this food banks are a great meeting place for people who are lonely or depressed. The food banks volunteers then talk to people who use them.

Some of the food banks also run courses about how to cook well in a low budget. So it's really not just  hand out. This people get information as well.

But because these people are poor, they often can't afford to use gas or electricity for cooking. So the food banks make sure they also provide food which can be eaten cold.

That's right. I think we'll be wrong to assume the uses of object XXXX. That means people who want something for nothing. Because there is a lot of degenity and even shamed attached  to using the services. People with, of course, prefer not to have to do it. So what food do they give out, Rob?

Well, let's listen to XXXXX. See what she says. She uses a expression to describe can food the only need to be heated.

Basically we got porrage, we do occasionally get fresh produced and but it's very rare especially  await  to months. It's a case service like can food, XXXXX meal, what also goes in the next people don't realize we have to give out no cooking food puzzles. Because people can't afford to gasoline or electricity.

She said tinned ready meal, it is a can food that only needed to be heated. And she said goes into the mix. It means it part of the overall package.

She also made the point about the importance of giving out no cooking food puzzles. Because some people don't have electricity  or gas to cook the food. OK Finn, so would you like the answer to the quiz question?

Oh, yes please.


In this programme we're going to talk be talking about food banks in the UK.

Yes, food banks. But what exactly are they?

Well, you can find them all of over the countries country nowadays. They're part of them system where people who are struggling financially at are given free foods food to cook or eat which other people havedonated – or given for free

We mean that people in modern-day Britain are so hard-up – that means they they've got so little money – that they can't afford to buy their own food? It does seem extraordinary, isn't doesn't it?

Yeah, It it does. Yes, Well, today's question is about the people who use the food banks. So Finn, do you know how many British people are estimated to have use used them? Is it… a) 15,000? b) 240,000? or c) 500,000?

I'll say 240,000, Rob.

Well, we'll see if you're right at the end of the programme. Let's talk now about why food banks have opened up in the UK.

well, I supposed suppose one place to start is the financial crisis in of 2008 which made a lot of people redundant – that means they are were asked to leave their jobs by their companies – so they became unemployed.

Then they will be the cups to the WHO means there were the cuts to the welfare system in 2013 which added to the problem.

Rising food crisis than self prices themselves are another reason. And heating belt and bills in other the winter can be expensive. People falling to death. fall into debt. You know, lots of things.

And remember that it's not just the employment, unemployment, Finn, but underling employment underemployment, too. There are some people on what is called zero-hours contracts and doing part-time work and they don't earn enough money to buy some of the essential things in life.

So there really are lot of different factors, aren't they. there.

Well, let's listen to XXXXX chief Steph Hagen as she explains how her food bank knocking in worlds. Nottingham works. She uses an expression that means 'unlimited access'.

People do not go to food bank because there is no food bank because it's an open door, or open XXX. it's an open shop. It's a case of they go to it because they need it. to. And also without food banks with ourfood bank – we are un an independent one, and we're we have limited to start stocks – so everybody who comes through our door has no XXX weather. income whatsoever.

She said "open door". This means unlimited access.

And she said she had "limited stocks". This means 'a shortage of foods' goods' – there's not enough food for everybody.

But Rob, surely these this food bank system is opened open to abuse as well? What's to stop everyone anyone just turning up to and asking for food?

Well, there are chesing checks in place and this is there's a system of XXXX. referrals. If a adapter doctor or social work worker thinks someone needs to use food bank – even for a short time – Thanks gives thethey can give hand deal them vouchers. Then they take the vouchers along the food bank and to the food bank and they get handouts for three days.

Right. So, I see. I've heard that everything in food banks is donated – that means giving it's given for free. And churches and individual donors are the people who provide most of it.

Well, apparently, this these food banks are a great meeting place for people who are lonely or and depressed. The food bank volunteers then talk to the people who use them.

Some of the these food banks also run courses about how to cook well in on a low budget. So it's really not just handout. This handouts that these people get. It's information as well.

But because these people are poor they often can't afford to use gas or electricity for cooking. So the food banks make sure they also provide food which can be eaten cold.

That's right. And I think we'll it would be wrong to assume that the users of object XXXX – are just scroungers – now that means people who want something for nothing – because there's a lot loss of dignity and even shamed shame attached to using the these services people with and people would of course prefer not to have to do it. So, what food do they give out, Rob?

Well, let's listen to XXXXX. See Steph again and see what she says. She uses an expression to describe can canned food the that only need needs to be heated.

Basically, we we've got porrage. porridge. We do occasionally get fresh produceand produce but it's very rare, especially await to in the next winter months. It's a case service like can food, XXXXX meal, what of, it'slike, tinned fruit, tinned ready meals. What also goes into the mix, people don't realise we have to give out 'no-cooking' food puzzles parcels because people can't afford to gasoline or the gas and electric…

She said "tinned ready meals". it This is can canned food that only needed needs to be heated. And she said "goes into the mix". It This means it it's 'part of the overall package'. She also made the point about the importance of giving out 'no-cooking' food puzzles parcels because some people don't have the electricity or the gas to cook the food. OK, Finn. So So, would you like the answer to the quiz question? question now?



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