6 Minute English - The bitter taste of sugar

Hello, Neil, Here, Excuse me. I am enjoying a bar chocolate.

Where did you get that from?

In a vendor machine upstairs. That seems ultimately machine with drinks and sweets. You put coin in to release what you pay for.

Now if your are up to some health professional, you wouldn't see many of those vendor machines around you anymore.

What! No more machines which are of many sweats you like. No question ask.

Exactly. The WHO had recently purposed a cut. In this recommendation for how much sugar we should have. They now say they should be less than 5% of our Calorie intake.

A Calorie is a unit that measure how much energy you get from food. And Calorie intake is how many calories you eat in a period of time. Said a day for example.

Yes, this it might be eat for sugar for you today, Neil.

Let me see. This chocolate probably contains 215 calories, it quite a lot, isn't it.

 But life can be sweet even with less sugar, Neil. Today we are going to talk about what should be done to help eat less sugar. And you will learn word about foods.

But I like my sugar.

Well many people do. So let me ask you about how much they like it. Which country has the highest sugar consumption? Is it
a) China
b) India
c) The United States

I think it's c) the United States.

OK. We'll have the answer at the end of the programme. Right, so let's talk about sugar. Healthy experts are looking for ways to make it less of it.

Now we all know too much sugar can cause not only obesity and diabetes but also tooth decay. This destroyed the heart surface of your teeth and exposed more sensitive part.

Well, it can be very painful. You might be enjoying eating sweet but no bit to like to sick. That's what be called the pain in your teeth.

Expert say we should also brush our teeth after eating sugaring food.

Yes, XXXX, professor of  Public healthy of university of London, goes even further. He's part of the team which is suggesting the authority of England reduce the number of vendor machines in public places. Listen to what he says which word does he uses to describe Neil's and other kinds of rubber sweets.

We shouldn't have vending machines with confinactionary and soft drinks in any public founder institution. No school, no street, hospital etc. And also limit amount of sugar in school meal, nursery meal that again will be the first step that one will take.

He mentions confinctionary, meaning chocolate and sweet snacks which can be brought from vending machine. Alone with soft drink, which is cold, sweet drink with a little alcohol. The professor doesn't want these machines in state school and hospital. And he wants meal serve to children in school to have less sugar.

He's got the point that. We can use the sugar in childhood. Let say the more sugar we eat, the more we want. if we can use eating thing with less sweet after a while, when we eat something very sweet, it doesn't taste so good. Do you understand what I mean?

Yes, I do. It's a matter of habit. We don't have so much sugar to enjoy the taste. But the professor said there is another way if we catch and eat less sugar. XXXX talks about task on sugar. France has already adapted a sugar task. Where is the money being spend? Let's listen.

There is a lot of public support in France. The consumption of sugar has come down considerably and what is good about the French done is the task has gone on sugar is being spend in their health service. It's the way you can actually use that money from the sugar tax and spend on improving health care, and then to care.

He says he has been spend on the health service. This is the doctor surgery hospital finance public money. Money pay to the government to a formal taxes.

So chocolate might become more expensive. That's not good for me because I have a sweet tooth.

Yes, a sweet tooth like me. A strong preference for sweet food. Well, people with sweet tooth should be careful or they might end up with tooth sick.

I care a lot about my teeth.

OK, let's go back to our quiz. I ask you which country has the highest sugar consumption.

Hello. Neil, Neil here. Excuse me I’m enjoying a bar of chocolate…

Where did you get that from?

In the vending machine upstairs – that seems ultimately that’s the automatic machine with drinks and sweets – you put coin coins in it to release what you pay whatever you paid for.

Now, if your are it was up to some health professional, you wouldn't professionals, you wouldn’t see many of those vendor machines around you anymore.

What? No more machines which are of offer you as many sweets as you like, no question ask? questions asked?

Exactly. The World Health Organisation had has recently proposed a cut in this its recommendation for how much sugar we should have. They now say they that it should be less than 5% of our calorie intake.

A calorie is a unit that measures how much energy you get from food, and calorie intake is how many calories you we eat in a period of time – said day say day, for example.

Yes, this it might be eat for sugar for you today, Neil.

Yes. So this might be eat it for sugar for you today, Neil.

let me see… this bar of chocolate probably contains 215 calories! it That’s quite a lot, isn’t it?

But life can be sweet even with less sugar, Neil. So today, we’re going to talk about what should be done to help us eat less sugar and you’ll learn word words about food.

But I like my sugar!

Many people do. So let me ask you about how much they like it. Which country has the highest sugar consumption? Is it it: a) China b) India c) The United States

I think it’s c) the United States.

OK. we'll Well, we’ll have the answer at the end of the programme! Right, so let's talk about sugar. Healthy Health experts are looking for ways to make it us eat less of it.

We all know that too much sugar can cause not only obesity and diabetes but also tooth decay – this destroyed destroys the heart hard surface of your teeth and exposed exposes more sensitive parts.

Well, Yes, it can be very painful. You might be enjoying enjoy eating sweet sweets but no bit to like to sick nobody likes toothache – that’s what be called we call the pain in your teeth.

y we should also always brush our teeth after eating sugaring sugary food.

Yes. XXXX, Aubrey Sheiham, Professor of Dental Public Healthy of Health at University of College London, goes even further. He is part of the team which is suggesting the authority ofauthorities in England reduce the number of vending machines in public places. Listen to what he says. Which word does he uses use to describe Neil’s chocolate bar and other kinds of rubberwrapped sweets?

We shouldn’t have vending machines with confinactionary confectionery and soft drinks in any public founder institution – no school, no street, hospital etc publicly-funded institutions – noschools, nurseries, hospitals etc. – and also limit the amount of sugar in school meal, nursery meal. meals, nurseries’ meals. That again will would be first step that one will would take.

He mentions confinctionary, confectionery, meaning chocolate and sweet snacks, which can be bought from vending machine, alone machines, along with soft drink drinks – which is cold,sweet drink with little alcohol. are cold sweet drinks that are not alcoholic. The professor doesn’t want these machines in state schools and or hospitals. And he also wants meal serve mealsserved to children in schools to have less sugar.

He’s got the point that. there. We can use the get used to sugar in childhood. Let say And it seems that the more sugar we eat, the more we want. But if we can use get used to eating thingwith things which are less sweet, after a while when we eat something very sweet, it doesn’t taste so good. Do you understand what I mean?

Yes, I do. It’s a matter of habit. We don’t have need so much sugar to enjoy the sweet taste. But the professor said says there’s another way if we catch and of encouraging us to eat less sugar.XXXX Aubrey Sheiham talks about task tax on sugar. France has already adapted sugar task. adopted sugar tax. Where’s the money being spend? spent? Let’s liste

There is You’ve got a lot of public support in France The where the consumption of sugar has come gone down considerably. And And, what is good about what the French have done is thetask that tax that has gone on sugar is being spend in their spent in the health service. It's the This is way that you can could actually use that money from the sugar tax and spend it on improving health care and then to dental care.

He says he has been spend it’s being spent on the health service. This is the doctor surgery hospital finance doctors’ surgeries and hospitals financed with public money – money pay to thepaid to a formal government in the form of taxes.

Oh, so chocolate might become more expensive! That's not Not so good for me because I have a sweet tooth…

a sweet tooth, yeah, like me – a strong preference for sweet food. Well, people with sweet tooth should be careful or they might end up with tooth toothache.

I care a lot about my teeth.

OK, let’s go back to our quiz. I ask asked you which country has the highest sugar consumption.



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