
目前顯示的是 5月, 2015的文章

6 Minute English - Are beards back to stay?

Neil, what's that on your face? It's a beard, Rob. Have not you ever see that one before? I have. But I never see one on you before. I am surprised to say it's looks good on you. Well, thank you. I thought I get on a big band wagon you know? There are all the rage the moment, that means very fashionable. And to get on a band wagon is when you join other people in doing something that has become popular perhaps because you hope to become popular yourself. Well, that doesn't apply to me, Rob. Because I know I'm very popular already. Yes, yes, I know. That's of course. Anyway, beards are such a talking point, a subject that a lot of people are discussing. They will decide to talk about among them in today's programme. So are you ready for today's quiz question. Neil? What's the name for someone who loves beards? Is it a) Barber file b) XXXX file c) polar file All the answers sound tempting. But I'm going to go for a) Barber file.

6 Minute English - Can science fiction save the world?

Tell me. Do you have a favorite science fiction movie? Ah... science fiction so it is a story about imagine future. Oh yes. My favorite was always will be ET, Extra Territorial. Yes, that's right. Are you Finn? My would probably be Blade Runner. And that is a movie with Harrison Ford set in a dark scary Los Angle. He hunts his robot called XXX. See another one? I do. I do. And come to think of  it. Lots of movies and stories about the future are quite dark, quite negative. That's right. But perhaps this might change. A new project once use the power of science fiction to do something very different. Inspire people to create a better future. Sounds very great. But we're discussing this project and learning some language, talk about the future in this programme. But before we get too far in this future, I am sure you have a question for me, Finn. I do, indeed. And it's about film Blade Runner it sets in the future. But in which year? Is it a) 2000 b) 201

6 Minute English - Is eating meat killing our planet

Now Finn, there is nothing I like more often talking into the juicy stake, motion in the hamburger, or chewing in the nice piece  roast beef. Does  it sound good, doesn't it? But meat eater like us might need to think again about the amount  we eat. Yes, that's right. Because in the programme today we just discuss how eating meat at the problem of green house gas. Green house gas is a type of gas that stops heat escaping from the atmosphere. Because of the green house effect,  it warms us our planet are in the climate change. Yes, that't not a good thing. We further aparse the green house gas being caused by pollution from factories. And for using container like pan or perfume which is capped under high pressure so that it can be sprayed. We can this air XXX. But according to the recent report, the production of meat is also adding to the problem. We talk more about the thing and look some related vocabulary. But not before we set today's  question. So are you

6 Minute English - The bitter taste of sugar

Hello, Neil, Here, Excuse me. I am enjoying a bar chocolate. Where did you get that from? In a vendor machine upstairs. That seems ultimately machine with drinks and sweets. You put coin in to release what you pay for. Now if your are up to some health professional, you wouldn't see many of those vendor machines around you anymore. What! No more machines which are of many sweats you like. No question ask. Exactly. The WHO had recently purposed a cut. In this recommendation for how much sugar we should have. They now say they should be less than 5% of our Calorie intake. A Calorie is a unit that measure how much energy you get from food. And Calorie intake is how many calories you eat in a period of time. Said a day for example. Yes, this it might be eat for sugar for you today, Neil. Let me see. This chocolate probably contains 215 calories, it quite a lot, isn't it.  But life can be sweet even with less sugar, Neil. Today we are going to talk about what shoul