Dictation: New Crop of Elderly Outsmart Their Predecessors

If 50 is the new 40 and 60 is the new 50, what’s the new 70? Well, it seems safe to at least say that 70 isn’t what it used to be. And thats good. Because a new study finds that 70-year-olds did better on intelligence tests than 70 year olds used to do. In Sweden, anyway. The research was published in the journal Neurology. [Simona Sacuiu et al, Secular changes in cognitive predictors of dementia and mortality in 70-year-olds]

The study compared a group of people born in 1901 and 1902 and tested in 1971 with another group born in 1930 and tested in 2000. And the newer crop of 70 years old performed far better than the previous generation did.

The researchers say the newer seniors had numerous advantages. They had better pre and postnatal care than their predecessors. They also had better nutrition, a higher quality education, and better treatment of high blood pressure and cholesterol. And, the researchers say, today’s high-tech life also helps keep you sharp. Because all of those factors come into play in many other parts of the world, there’s reason to be optimistic that it’s not just old Swedes who are smarter.

If fifty is new forty and sixty is new fifty, what is the new seventy? Or it seems save to say seventy is what used to be and that's good. Because new study found seventy euro did better on their intellengent test than seventy euro used to do in Swedish anyway. The research is published in journal of neurology.

The study compare the gorup of people born in 1901 and 1902 and tested in 1971 with another group born in 1930 and tested in 2000. And a new club seventy euro performed far better than previos generation did. The Researchers said new resin had numerious advantages, they had better pre and post nado care than predessors. they also had better nuterition and high quality education and better treatment of high pri measure in cholestrol.

And researchers said totday high tech life also help keep shark. Because all of these factors come off the planety many part of the world, there is reason of optisimtic than that is not just all Swedish are samrt.




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