Dictation: Love Lessens Pain


That ’80s power ballad had it all wrong. Love may keep you from hurting.

Two researchers-pain specialist Sean Mackey at Stanford and love specialist Arthur Aron at S.U.N.Y. Stony Brook-met at a neuroscience conference. They realized they were talking about the same brain region.

So back at Stanford, researchers recruited 15 undergrads in the early euphoric throes of a relationship. The volunteers had photos of the romantic partner and of an attractive acquaintance. As they looked at the photos, their palms were safely heated to mild pain. Then the volunteers repeated the experiment but were distracted by tasks such as: think of sports that dont use balls. Previous research found that distraction can ease pain.

distraction and the pictures of new loves reduced pain. But, the love photo acted in a totally different area of the brain-the primitive reward system region that lights up where addictive drugs work, and where pain-relieving opioids do their magic. The study was published in Public Library of Science One. [Jarred Younger et al., Viewing Pictures of a Romantic Partner Reduces Experimental Pain: Involvement of Neural Reward Systems]

So the next time you’re in pain, maybe you dont need to pop a pill. Just fall in love.

That's tarllybnad, how had it all wrong?
Love may keep it from hurting.

Two researchers pand special standford a love special arthur aherna two stony blocks, made the nurroate site conference.

They realized they were talking about same brain region. So back to the Standford, Researchers have credited fifty undergraduated and early ufo through relationsship. The volunteer have photoed the romantic partener and even checked the queen. Have fliped the photo, their pomps have safely hit the mild pain. Then the volunteer repeated the experiment but would obstate by text such as think about sport that don't use ball. Previous study finded the obstration keep it pain but the stration on the pictures new love reduces the pain. But the lovely photo at totally differnent area of the brain, the permanent would work with this region that light up for the addicted drug works and would painly leaving opually dramatically.

So the next time you are pain, maybe you don't need to public pell, just fall in love




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