
目前顯示的是 2月, 2011的文章

Air Force’s Shifting Rules Helped Boeing

The original article is here . When a European company offered a larger tanker than Boeing for a lower price in 2008, the Air Force grabbed what seemed like a bargain . But aviation analysts say Boeing won a rematch this week because the government’s preference had shifted to a plane with fewer bells and whistles but one that could be much cheaper to operate in the next few decades.    The changes in the bidding rules for one of the Pentagon’s richest contracts were relatively subtle, making the $35 billion award to Boeing on Thursday a surprise for the company’s executives. In the end, the proposed size of the aerial fueling plane offered by Boeing’s rival, the European Aeronautic Defense and Space Company , or EADS, seemed to work against it. And Boeing may have won, several analysts said, because its jet could save billions of dollars more in flying costs than any discounts EADS might have offered on its sticker price. Perhaps the most decisiv

Does the Southwest Face a Mega-Drought?

To see the original report, please refer to here Rising global temperatures resulting from emissions of human origin could tip the southwestern United States into a period of prolonged extreme drought seen before only in distant geological history, a new study suggests . Valles Caldera National Preserve The Valles Caldera. Researchers dug deep into the region’s climate history by studying a 270-foot core of lake sediment taken from the Valles Caldera, a volcanic depression in northern New Mexico. Data extracted from the core revealed “mega-droughts” in the region lasting as long as a thousand years. For parallels to the planet’s current climate, the researchers focused on interglacial periods, when ice ages caused by small irregularities in the Earth’s orbit around the sun gave way to periods of warmth and glacial retreat. The current epoch , the Holocene , is the most recent interglacial period. If the current epoch followed past trends, the Southwest would eventually ente

Podcast: Economic Turbulence, and a Call for Fed Action

To see original report, please refer to here The United States economy can’t seem to catch a break. On Friday, the federal government lowered its forecast for fourth-quarter growth to 2.8 percent from 3.2 percent. In the Weekend Business podcast, Catherine Rampell explains why: the turmoil in the Middle East has sent oil prices soaring. Investors fear that the unrest will spread to other countries, further disrupting production. In the United States, major cutbacks by state and local governments and threats of federal cutbacks are throwing more workers into the unemployment pool . Taken together, the uncertainty means businesses are unlikely to invest, let alone hire more workers. And it gets worse. Not only do rising oil prices mean more expenses for businesses, they affect consumers directly. Experts estimate that every extra penny consumers spend on higher fuel prices takes a billion dollars out of consumers’ pockets in a year. And that means they have less to spend on consumer


過完年之後總覺得生活開始有了變化,或許是有人走了,也或許是聽到最近公司一些事情。就像是去年過完年一樣,慢慢覺得生活週遭開始有了不同,這也表示我正在面對的是新的一年的事物,而不是重複的過著如同去年的生活,因此還是要仔細思考因應之道才是。 今天看到FB上她說指數高的驚人,晚上回到家之後還是忍不住打了電話給她。聊了聊她的身體最近到底是出了什麼狀況,感覺就像事情發生之前那樣的聊,但是依然帶著疏離感。我想不起來上次打電話給她是什麼時候,只是想到去年發生到現在的事,彷彿只是昨天的事一樣,但我們的距離還是像是以光年計算般的遠,我想在折磨她的同時也同樣在折磨我吧。 今天知道要之後要面試新人,組長跟我說到時候等另一組面試完我們在一起去面試他,該問些什麼呢?真是令人期待,傳說中的BIT組終於要增加新成員了,而且這次我也要參與面試,只不過扮演著不同腳色,或許這正是改變未的第一步。 成功是貧窮的導師,只有錯誤才能帶給我們豐富的經驗和方向


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